What is a Co-op?
Cooperative parent-child programs are popular programs that combine parent/caregiver* support and quality, developmentally appropriate learning experiences for children. Adults participate in the daily activities, which keeps costs lower and gives the parent a unique window into their child's learning process.
Benefits of Participating in Co-op
Parents benefit from observing their child in a social learning environment and from interaction with other children and adults. Caregivers also receive parent education sessions based upon the questions and requests of the group. They also help the group by sharing their own experiences and expertise with others. Parents/caregivers have the opportunity to be directly involved in their child's education and to work alongside other active adults.Children benefit from having a community of peers, and connections with respectful, responsive attuned adults. Equipment and materials are appropriately sized for children and learning activities are hands-on and geared toward their interests and development.
Sensory bottles |
Examples of Parent Education Sessions
The needs and questions of the group will determine the scope and sequence of the parent education sessions, but sessions will usually fit under one of these categories:
Parent-Child Interaction:
Encouraging healthy relationships through caring, responsive leadership
Development-Centered Parenting:
Making choices based upon developmental domains
Family Well-Being:
Helping families strengthen protective factors and
understanding the role of the family in child outcomes
Early Experiences Build the Brain
The early years are especially important to the developing child. Early experiences affect the growth and development of the brain. Scientists are learning more about the importance of the brain's architecture and how early experiences affect all future learning and behavior. (If you'd like to learn more, one place to visit is Harvard's Center on the Developing Child.) Parents and caregivers literally build the child's brain over time from the bottom of the brain on up.
At the Richland Toddler Co-op, we know early experiences affect long-term development. We empower parents with information and support. We provide children with a safe, child-centered environment. We teach and learn with you.
- Materials and furniture are child-sized to encourage exploration and independence.
- Play-based activities and toys foster cognitive development.
- Routines help develop executive function.
- Social learning experiences help develop social skills and pro-social behavior.
- Freedom of movement and choice give children practice in decision-making and self-direction.
For more information on current course offerings, please visit Classes.
*On this page, we will use "parent" and "caregiver" interchangeably. Sometimes, it is the child's parent who attends co-op with them. Other times, it is the child's regular caregiver who attends. We have a lovely network of moms, dads, grandparents, and nannies. We recognize the value of everyone who shares in the life of a child.